domingo, 4 de octubre de 2015

Qué es UX Design?

Qué es UX Design? 

UX Design (User Experience Design) es uno de los “nuevos” campos que se han hecho muy populares en los últimos años, y digo nuevos entre comillas porque no es nuevo, el diseño experiencias de usuario se ha dado desde que el hombre ha creado cosas y estas cosas deben ser utilizadas por él mismo o por otros, por lo que era necesario de forma conciente o inconciente de definir los medios, procesos y forma en la que la persona iba a interactuar con ese objeto, y hablo de objetos de forma genérica porqué puede ser software, un refrigerador, el control del TV, un automóvil, etc.
Las diferentes técnicas y metodologías de UX Design han sido aplicadas al software durante mucho tiempo, desde los inicios de Unix y MS-DOS, sin embargo un punto importante es que la forma en la que se interactuan con los objetos evoluciona, el hardware ha evolucionado lo cual ha permitido que el software y todo lo relacionado a él evolucione, desarrollando características que nos permiten interactuar con el software de una forma más natural, lo cual nos lleva a un concepto que es relativamente nuevo ya que antes no se teniamos lo necesario para poder implementarlo (cámaras HD, sensores como el Kinect, acelerometros, giroscopios, sensores de proximidad, etc), las NUI (Natural User Interfaces) es una de las ramas que pueden ser aplicadas (dependiendo del tipo de software) en el diseño de interfaces de usuario y por ende en la experiencia que el usuario tendra con nuestro software.
El video que les dejo explica brevemente que es UX Design, de que se encarga y como los diseñadores de experiencias de usuario vemos el mundo.

What is a UX Designer? What is a UI Designer?

This is maybe the most important question of all. What are these roles? Who defines their set of responsibilities?
The truth is, they vary from company to company, so trying to nail down exactly what each does can be tricky. Here is an overview of each position that, in my experience, I have seen produce the best results.

UX Designer / Specialist / Director

Many people think the job of UX is to lay out wireframes to specify where elements go, and do it in a way that the user won’t get confused while using your app.
Sure, that’s a part of it, but that’s not even close to the most important part. To understand the role of UX, you need to think about what defines the success of what you’re building.
When a user interacts with your product, and it delivers the value you promised them in apositive way, then you’ve built a successfully usable product.
But, going from idea to finished product is a long, drawn out process, and if no one is responsible for keeping the user’s experience in mind, then it will quickly get buried under piles of feature requests, egos, ideas, and added “fluff”.
It’s your UX Designer’s job to know everything there is to know about your users, and to keep their experience consistent throughout all phases of your project.
This means your UX Designer needs to be involved in every step of the process, from concept to execution to implementation.
Hiring the right UX Designer from the start is a crucial part to building a product people will want— and need—to use on a regular basis.
(Note: I’ve put together a bonus resource at the end of this post that will give you everything you need to know to hire the best UX Designer possible.)
The UX Designer’s responsibilities may include things like:
  • Conducting user tests
  • Face-to-face interviews
  • Field research
  • Creating user personas
  • Studying detailed analytics
  • Prototyping
  • Layouts

UI Designer

Many people also think the job of a UI Designer is to just make wireframe mockups look visually appealing.
Once again, while this is technically correct, it’s not the most important part. It’s not onlyabout the way the visuals look, but how they work, where they’re placed, and how easy it is to determine what can be interacted with.
For example, if I created the wireframe for an eCommerce store, I would probably specify where I wanted a price slider to be. On that wireframe, the price slider would be represented by a box that says “price slider”.
It’s the User Interface Designer’s job to take that box and turn it into an element that lets the user understand what it does and how it works, just by looking at it. That in itself is a huge task.
The UI Designer may also suggest a different placement for elements, or different types of elements to create a better interface. Maybe that price slider sucks, and they have a better solution, so they implement that instead, all while keeping the user’s experience in mind.
The UI Designer is building tools for our users to interact with in an enjoyable way.
Their responsibilities may include things like:
  • Interface layout
  • Interface design
  • Visual design
  • Interaction design
  • Establishing visual guidelines
If we’re talking about delicious cake (and why wouldn’t we be?), UI is the icing, the plates, the flavour, the utensils, and the presentation. UX is the reason we’re serving cake in the first place, and why people would rather eat it than hamburgers.

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