miércoles, 17 de junio de 2015

Uninstalling and removing DB2 for Windows

Uninstalling and removing DB2 for Windows

Technote (FAQ)


How to uninstall and remove DB2 from Windows


There are four methods of removing DB2 for Windows outlined below in order of preference.
  1. Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs
  2. Running SETUP from the original source
  3. Using the FORCE_UNINSTALL option
  4. Manually remove and clean-up DB2 from Windows

The primary option (Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs) of uninstalling DB2 should be the 
ONLY option attempted. The subsequent methods should only be attempted after the DB2 Service
 team has been contacted and determined that the uninstallation through the primary method cannot 
be remedied.


1) Control Panel - Add/Remove Programs

Uninstalling through the Add/Remove Programs facility of the Windows Control Panel is the preferred method. 
Depending on the specific Windows platform, the DB2 product in Add/Remove Programs may have a 
"Remove" and/or "Change" button. Either of these options can be used for removal purposes.

At the first screen of the DB2 uninstallation process, the Next button is grayed out while Windows Installe
r performs various functions in the background to ensure that DB2 is prepared to be uninstalled. Once the 
Windows Installer is ready to proceed, the Next button will be enabled and the user can proceed. In the
 event that the uninstallation fails, the user should contact the service team to receive instructions for
 taking an uninstallation log and trace to determine the cause of the problem.


The following Uninstall options should ONLY be attempted if the Primary Option fails.

2) Running SETUP from the original source

Unfortunately, DB2 can’t always be removed by using the Control Panel’s Add/Remove Programs facility.
 In this situation, the first action that should be attempted is to run 'setup' from the original install source 
location (either CD or network drive).

Remember to make sure that it is the same DB2 product (ie. ESE, ADMCL, WSE, etc.) and level (ie. GA,
 FP2, V9.7, etc.) as the DB2 product installed. Windows Installer should recognize that it is already installed,
 and present you with three options - Repair, Modify and Remove. Simply click the radio button REMOVE and 
continue, to remove product.

Another possible problem is if Windows Installer asks for the original .msi file. In this case, the original
 install source should be pointed to, and the .msi file should be selected
 from [source]\db2\Windows\[DB2 product].msi.


The inability to remove DB2 can also be the result of a number of factors, such as user tampering with the 
system registry, DB2 files, or directory structure. In this situation, the FORCE_UNINSTALLuninstallation 
method should be attempted to remove DB2 if the methods above are unsuccessful.

This uninstallation option combines the use of the msiexec Windows Installer function with manual cleanup 
procedures. To carry out the uninstall using this method:

1) Stop all DB2 Services.
2) From a Windows Command Window navigate to the windows Installer directory such as 
c:\Windows\Installer or c:\WinNT\Installer and execute the following:

msiexec /x {product code} FORCE_UNINSTALL=Y
{product code} can be located from the Windows registry under one of the following locations depending
 if you have a single or multiple product installation:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\DB2\InstalledCopies\<Copy Name>\<Product>\CurrentVersion

Examples: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\DB2\DB2 Enterprise Server Edition\CurrentVersion

Using DB2 ESE v9.7 as an example the command syntax would be as follows:

msiexec /x {814D6DAC-E778-40EC-961E-312B354D12BC} FORCE_UNINSTALL=YIf this command does not complete then proceed to the Manual Uninstallation section below. Otherwise, 
continue on with the following steps:

3) Perform Windows Environment cleanup (refer to DB2 Environment Variables Clean-up section below).
4) Perform Windows Registry Cleanup (refer to DB2 Windows Registry Clean-up section below).
5) Remove any DB2 Service entries from the Windows System Services file ([Windows]\system32\drivers\etc).
6) Remove the SQLLIB directory.
7) Remove DB2 shortcuts

Look for the “IBM DB2” shortcut folder, in the 'All Users' profiles in the ‘Start Menu/Programs’ folder, and delete it.
Then delete any DB2 links in the ‘Startup’ folder (such as “First Steps”).

4) Manual Removal and Clean-up of DB2 from Windows

The following procedure can be used if there is a severe problem with DB2 uninstallation caused by a
 Windows Installer error and the FORCE_UNINSTALL option does not help.

Steps to manually remove a DB2 product are as follows:

1) Stop all DB2 Services.
2) Remove the SQLLIB directory.
3) Remove all shortcuts and folders.
4) Remove all updates to Windows environment variables (refer to DB2 Environment Variables Clean-up section below).
5) Remove DB2 references from the Windows Registry (refer to DB2 Windows Registry Clean-up section below).
6) Restart Windows.

DB2 Environment Variables Clean-up 

From Control Panel navigate to My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced -> Environment
 Variables and remove any DB2 specific listed environment variables as well any any references
 to the DB2 install directory from the following:


DB2 Windows Registry Clean-up

First create a backup of the Windows Registry before modifying any settings as changes made to the registry
 will have an immediate impact. Then identify the {product code} and {registry key} for the target DB2 
installation that is to be removed.

The {product code} can be located from the Windows registry under one of the following locations depending
 if you have a single or multiple product installation:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\DB2\InstalledCopies\<Copy Name>\<Product>\CurrentVersion

The {registry key} is derived from the {product code} by reversing the first three segments of the product code.

Example: ProductCode for DB2 ESE v9.7 is {814D6DAC-E778-40EC-961E-312B354D12BC}

Reverse the first 3 segments individually (CAD6D418-877E-CE04), remove all dashes, and we are left with
 the following key:


Now that we have the {product code} and {registry key} proceed to:

1) Delete the following:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\Installer\Features\{registry key}
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\Installer\Products\{registry key}
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\Installer\UpgradeCodes\{registry key}

2) Remove all DB2 services under:

3) Remove any folder names containing sqllib under:

4) For DB2 v8.2, all components that start with 000182B and need to be deleted from:

5) Finally delete the following entries:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{product code}

Resolving out of memory exceptions when deploying IBM Content Navigator on WebSphere Application Server

Technote (troubleshooting)


When you deploy IBM Content Navigator on a WebSphere Application Server, the deployment fails. The deployment failure usually occurs with WebSphere Application Server 7, but can also occur with other WebSphere Application Server versions.


The deployment fails and an error message is displayed. For example:

WASX7017E: Exception received while running file "/opt/IBM/ECMClient/configure/tmp/deployapplication.tcl"; exception information: com.ibm.websphere.management.application.client.AppDeploymentException: com.ibm.websphere.management.application.client.AppDeploymentException:  [Root exception is java.lang.OutOfMemoryError]
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError


The default minimum and maximum heap sizes in the wsadmin file are too small.


WebSphere Application Server and WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment

Diagnosing the problem

The IBM Content Navigator EAR file deployment fails on WebSphere Application Server with an "Out of Memory" error message.

Resolving the problem

To resolve the problem, you must edit the wsadmin.sh or wsadmin.bat file:
  • Set the Java virtual machine (JVM) initial heap size to 512 MB.
  • Set the Java virtual machine (JVM) maximum heap size to 1024 MB.

Related resources
For more information, refer to the following topics in the WebSphere Application Server information center:

  • @echo off
  • SET _JAVA_OPTIONS = -Xms512m -Xmx1024m
  • call "%~dp0\setupCmdLine.bat"
  • call "%WAS_HOME%\bin\wsadmin.bat" %*

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